Despite their small size, print mail documents can help you boost your business's brand recognition. Ethical businesses that print mail documents also spread word-of-mouth quickly, which increases your bottom line and customer base. By printing mail documents, you'll make it easier for people to recommend your business to their friends. To improve your bottom line, you should always be ethical, too. Here are a few tips to get started:
PostGrid - With PostGrid, you can customize your documents by choosing from a wide range of color and black-and-white printing options. Choose from a variety of layouts and messages to personalize your documents. You can even choose the paper stock, and select the type of printing you need. And you can always integrate your mailing list with PostGrid for a seamless, automated process. Whether you need to print a newsletter or a brochure, PostGrid will handle it all for you.
For advanced users, you can include an Email to Print alias when you create a new printer in PaperCut. This is done through the Config Editor of PaperCut, and is a feature that only advanced users should use. Advanced configuration options, including email-to-print aliases, are described in Using the Advanced Config Editor. If you need to print images, you can set the limit to 20000 bytes.
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